Deductions from benefits

The National Insurance Institute has the authority to deduct from a dependents pension all sums paid to the insured or the pension recipient by mistake, illegimately or as a preliminary payment; as well as any amount of money owed by the pension recipient or the insured such as insurance contributions or insurance contributions credit.

Deduction under Health Insurance Law

Health insurance contributions must be deducted from dependents’ benefits. The amount of the deduction for the insured up to retirement age is NIS 120 (as of Jan 01, 2025) and over this age, the deduction amount is NIS 231 (as of Jan 01, 2025).


The following are exempt from payment of health insurance contributions from their benefits:

  • Married woman.
  • Foreign resident or resident of the Palestinian territories.
  • Child below age 18.
  • Soldier in compulsory army service.
  • Employed or self-employed worker (until old age).
  • Unemployed person paying insurance contributions.
  • Person receiving early pension (excluding 100% disabled person).


Deductions from the benefit for the Israel Organization of Work Accidents – Disabled Persons and Widows

For those who have been determined as having a permanent disability from work, the National Insurance Institute may deduct membership fees for the Israel Organization of Work Accidents – Disabled Persons and Widows from his/her benefit, as well as a payment to the organization’s mutual assistance fund and participation fees for the mutual life insurance arranged by the organization. Anyone who opposed this deduction must notify the National Insurance Institute in writing. The deduction will be discontinued one month after the notification is received.